Q4 Client Letter

Tyler LinstenClient Letters, Investing

Smart = Stupid. You’ll just have to read it. [gview file=”https://aldercovecapital.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Q42016ClientLetter.pdf” save=”1″]


Tyler LinstenInvesting, Personal Finance

  Everyone’s favorite four letter word – budget! – strikes fear into the hearts of even the most nerdy. Only a small percentage of the population embraces budgeting and usually it involves a weird combination of cash and envelopes. This isn’t a call to join the envelopers. I’m with the rest of the world: I don’t like budgeting. I don’t recommend people create rigid budgets. I do recommend, however, that people do a reasonable assessment of their annual spending. A no-BS assessment, to be perfectly clear.  It’s not a “budget” in the sense that it involves painful decisions or spending cuts. This is an assessment of how much it costs to live your life. Not how you’d like to live, …

2016’s Investing Garbage

Tyler LinstenInvesting, Personal Finance

I like to make sure you know I’m doing my homework, Dear Reader. As a bit of a contrarian (and weirdo?), I like to take pictures or screenshots of some of the stupid investing-related stuff I come across on either the internet or print. The garbage accumulates in my Google Photos library and it’s fun to see what has piled up over a given year. Consider this post to be a visual “spam folder” for the year 2016. Here are some of my favorites: BIG MONEY!* Beware the Golden Shoes! This was one of those “40 Under 40” photo ops where financial advisor recipients may or may not have paid for the right to appear in this picture. The humble parts of the …

Ten Miscellaneous Truths for Each and Every Investor

Tyler LinstenInvesting

Alternate title: 10 Things I Wish They Taught in Finance 101, but Don’t. I include this list in every client’s Investment Policy Statement, but I think it’s also worth sharing here! Save more. An increased savings rate is the single best thing you can do to improve your financial outlook. Relying on high short-term investment returns is not something you ever want to do. Save early and often and time will take care of the rest. Investing is geological — a study of time and pressure — which is boring, but produces amazing results. Low-fee investment products are superior. If it costs a lot, BE WARY. Picking the lowest-fee investments is a surprisingly effective strategy, if given only cost information. …