You’re Only As Good As…

Tyler LinstenInvesting, Personal Finance

  …Your Goalie …Your Closer …Your Kicker …Your 4th Quarter Free-Throw Shooting …Your Short Putts to Force a Playoff in the US Open …Your Worst Bluff …The Worst Day Your Brakes Have You get the picture. So where’s the investing angle? There’s always a tie-in! Here it is: Regarding investment professionals…. You’re Only as Good as Your Worst Conflict of Interest   Dave Ramsey recently caused a stir in the world of Finance Twitter because of his ridiculous tweet regarding pending legislation to force stockbrokers to act as fiduciaries toward clients: The thing about Dave is he has a lot of good philosophies regarding personal finance. He has a very large following because of the huge megaphone his radio program provides, and it allows him to share …