Q1 Client Letter

Tyler LinstenClient Letters

Like reading long pieces about interest rates? This one’s for you! Don’t worry, there’s also discussion of fugitives with bazookas, the danger of steamrollers and the nuances of fire starting. Read it for yourself: [gview file=”https://aldercovecapital.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/ClientLetterQ12015.pdf” save=”1″]  

Q4 Client Letter

Tyler LinstenClient Letters

The first month of the new year is almost over, but we can’t close the book on 2014 just yet. No year is complete without a Q4 Client Letter, so without further ado, here it is: [gview file=”https://aldercovecapital.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Client-Letter-Q4-2014.pdf” save=”1″]  

A Good Day for a Step Back – Q3 Client Letter

Tyler LinstenClient Letters, Investing

Sure, markets had their worst day of the year today. Every year has to have that day. Why not today? Maybe there’s another day in 2014 out there waiting to top today. I’m OK with that. You should be, too. In terms of a long term investor’s portfolio, days like today mean almost nothing. Unless it’s your Mom’s birthday (like mine – Happy B-day, Mom!), then October 9th, 2014 will go down as another bump in the road on a ride that lasts decades. Every year will have a worst day, as well as a best day. If you’re a reader here you might have picked up on the fact that I think paying attention to the day-to-day rumblings of …